I. Indenture of Restrictions |
- Term : These restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of thirty (30) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time these covenants shall be automatically extended for continuing successive terms of ten (10) years each unless an instrument, signed by the owners of a majority of the lots in all plats of Oakleigh Woods Subdivision has been recorded, agreeing to change these covenants in whole or in part.
- Land Use and Building Type : All lots in Oakleigh Woods Subdivision shall be used for single-family residential dwellings.
- Dwelling Cost, Quality and Size : The construction cost of each residential dwelling in Oakleigh Woods Subdivision shall be not less than $25,000 based upon cost levels prevailing on the date these covenants are recorded, it being the intention and purpose of the covenant to assure that all dwellings shall be of quality and workmanship and materials substantially the same or better than that which can be produced on the date these covenants are recorded at the minimum cost stated herein for the minimum permitted dwelling size. The living area of the main structure, exclusive of one-story open porches and garages, shall be no less than 1000 square feet.
- Placement of Improvements : Buildings shall be placed on lots only in the manner approved by the trustees, subject to terms and provisions of Article III, Paragraph 7, with the front and side building set-back lines being at least those required by St. Louis County Zoning ordinances for the subdivision.
- Easements : The easements shown on the recorded plat for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are hereby reserved and same shall run with the land.
- Signs : No signs shall be erected or displayed in public view on any lot except for one (1) sign, not larger than five (5) square feet, advertising the property for sale or rent, EXCEPT THAT any signs may be erected by the Party of the First Part in the development of the subdivision. Should the Party of the First Part not develop all the lots and should he convey lots to other builders, the trustees may grant such other builders or developers the right to place suitable signs on lots during construction and prior to initial sale of the buildings constructed thereon.
- Livestock and Poultry : No animals, livestock or poultry shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, EXCEPT THAT, household pets, in limited numbers, may be kept provided they are not maintained for any commercial purposes.
- Fences : No fences or screening shall be erected or maintained on any lots between the building set-back lines and the street upon which that lot fronts. Fences may be maintained on other portions of lots only with the written consent of the trustees as to the locations, materials used and heights of fence. The decision of the trustees shall be conclusive.
- Abandoned Vehicles : No abandoned cars, motorcycles, jeeps, trucks or motor vehicles of any kind whatsoever that are unable to move under their own power may be stored or suffered to remain upon any of the common ground or the lots
of this subdivision. If said motor vehicles are stored or remain on the aforesaid premises, trustees shall take the necessary action to remove same.
- Nuisances : No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on, on any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance.
- Liability of Trustees (not compensated): The trustees shall not be personally responsible for any act in which they are empowered to exercise their judgment and discretion, and shall only be held accountable for their willful misconduct. They shall not be required to expend any money for payment of taxes, maintenance of storm and sanitary sewers, parkways, street lighting or any other improvements, or any other non-public items in excess of the assessments collected by them. They may retain a reasonable cash reserve from such assessments and expend only such sums for maintenance and improvements as they, in their sole discretion, deem necessary. Neither the trustees nor successor trustees shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant of this covenant.
- Slope Control Areas : Slope control areas are reserved as shown on the recorded subdivision plat. Within these slope control areas, no structure, planting or other material shall be placed or permitted to remain, or other activities undertaken which may damage or interfere with established slope ratios, create erosion or sliding problems, or which may change the direction of flow of drainage channels. The slope control areas of each lot and all improvements in them shall be maintained continuously by the owner of the lot, except for those improvements for which public authority or utility company is responsible.
- Sight Distance at Intersections : No fence, wall hedge or shrub planting which obstructs sight lines at elevations between 2 and 6 feet above the roadways shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area formed by the street property lines and line connecting them at points 25 feet from the intersection of the street property lines extended. No tree shall be permitted to remain within such distance of such intersections unless the foliage line is maintained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction of such sight lines.
- Amendment : This indenture of trust and restrictions and any part thereof may be altered, amended or discontinued by a written agreement signed by the then record owners of the fee simple title of two thirds (2/3) of the lot owners in the subdivision then included under the terms of this indenture. Any such amendments, alterations, change or discontinuance shall, when duly certified and acknowledged by the trustees and recorded with the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the County of St. Louis, become a part of the provisions and restrictions of this indenture, provided, however, that any such amendment, alterations, change or discontinuance shall require the consent of the Party of the First Part so long as it is an owner of one lot in any plat of Oakleigh Woods Subdivision. Any amendment so adopted prior to the completion of the development shall be reviewed by the Director of Planning of St. Louis County.
- Invalidation: Invalidation of any one of the covenants of this indenture shall in no way affect any other provision hereof.
By-Laws were written in 1974 when Oakleigh Woods Subdivision was incorporated under St. Louis County |